
Free PR 101: Proven Methods to Boost Brand Reach and Credibility

Public relations is essential in marketing and helps businesses increase brand awareness and visibility. However, the only difficulty is that PR can sometimes get expensive.

If businesses want free PR, there are specific ways to get featured by the media without spending a dime. Here are ten methods.

Brand Positioning

Businesses must position themselves as experts or thought leaders in the market to get a free press release. To do so, identify journalists working in the same niche as yours.  Analyze their work and get to know them through their work, like what they care about the most. Then, initiate a conversation and start building a relationship with them. During this, businesses can begin positioning their brand as a resource for essential perspectives on industry matters.

In addition, incorporating professional mockups into your visual branding strategy can elevate the presentation of your products. This not only ensures design consistency but also enhances the perceived value of your brand.

Create Relevant Content

Create insightful and relatable content for the audience; this will help attract the attention of influencers in the same industry. During each development phase, seek the opinions of subject matter experts and journalists.

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 If the content resonates with the influencers, they will shout out the businesses, which is also considered free PR. Over time, this press release distribution enhances the brand’s reputation, and your brand will become the go-to place for people to get products or services.

Implement News Jacking

The public relations team or the business spokesperson always needs to be prepared to provide their stance on the current situation in the market. Doing so significantly reinforces the brand’s perception and thought leadership, increasing the chances of getting free PR.

If the spokesperson is well prepared and can integrate the brand’s mission and services into the ongoing issue, this will bring significant results.

Build Relationships with Journalists Working in the Same Industry

Identify the journalists and get to know them. Study their work style and what matters to them the most. Also, please write an attractive headline for the pitch to get their eyes on the business.

Bring Originality to the Press

Build healthy relationships, comprehend the trends, and lead with data and statistics. Businesses must answer how the brand’s story, service, or product will add value to that local news channel.

Give Limelight to the Team

Give credit to the team and position them as an expert in the market. This is a core driver in getting free PR coverage from the media. The benefit of doing so is that if a media person writes a report on something, the products or services do not fall into the category. They can still fit the team member with the specific expertise in that area and reach out to them to conduct interviews or get their opinion.

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Giving the limelight to the team is lovely, increasing the brand value and mentions.

Start a Podcast

Paid media is good, but it is still very unpredictable and competitive. Therefore, it would be beneficial to start a podcast and create a channel. This will allow businesses to discuss the industry that needs addressing or trending topics engagingly.

This also allows businesses to invite other relevant industry persons to discuss their stance. It will be a humbling experience.

Help a Reporter

Keep the identity of the business approachable. This means the brand must be welcoming to help the reporters with their upcoming relevant stories. Helping them create content related to trending topics, real-time discussions, and market surveys increases their chances of getting free PR.

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However, businesses must stay updated with industry trends to do so.

Become a Trusted Media Partner

The purpose is to position the brand as a trusted partner and the thought leader to media on specific topics. The hurdles and difficulties businesses go through to establish them are what the journalists need to create a story. Companies need to document their journey and organize it in one package to give to the journalists. The package should consist of:

  • Newsworthy press releases
  • Information of spokesperson
  • Quotes and bios
  • Visuals
  • B-roll

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Give Attractive and Authentic Content

Most businesses also participate in the surveys and research on their own. The results and data analysis are added to press releases because people love to see numbers and facts.

Also, give opinions on the exciting trends around the business and relevant industries.


The business world is becoming more competitive every day, creating room for more creativity. Businesses looking to improve their marketing strategies but with budget constraints can consistently implement these tactics. However, the only drawback is that all these tactics require time and an excellent public relations team.

If businesses successfully build relationships, getting the free PR will become much more manageable. These relationships will also help companies generate potential leads and give them media coverage. All these strategies will help the brands position themselves as the thought leader and increase their brand credibility. Also read more interesting article Choose wisely.

Alexia Brown

Alexia Brown is a passionate education technology writer and researcher. With a background in instructional design and a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of educational technology, Alexia is dedicated to exploring how innovative platforms like Classroom 6X can transform the learning experience.

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